Our cheapest way of getting onto the web. If you’re not ready for a full website, then a Web Business Card is perfect!
We’ll register a domain name for you, so that no-one else can get it first and we’ll set up a professional sounding email
address. Then we’ll pop your logo, contact details and description on a web page. Simple.
Web Business Cards are ideal if you’re starting out on a budget. When you’re ready to move up to a full website, we’ll
simply move your domain name to the new site and you’ll be up and running.
After first year’s hosting, domain name registrar fees and Web Business Card hosting are currently £79.
Payable on the 12 month anniversary of order being placed.
Should you require extra text, tables, email addresses or any other items (excluding Menu Pages and Linked Pages). Simply let us know
and we’ll do our best to help you out.
To order your Web ‘Business Card’ now or for more information click here!